Loop usage examples

Create a loop from type name

$loop = tangible_loop();
$post_loop = $loop->create_type('post');

Check if loop is empty

if ( ! $post_loop->has_next() ) return;

Paginated items - all by default

$ids = $post_loop->get_items();

All items regardless of pagination

$all_ids = $post_loop->get_all_items();

Forward cursor to next item

$item = $post_loop->next();

Get field value

$value = $post_loop->get_field('title');

Classic WordPress post loop

while( $post_loop->has_next() ) {

  $item = $post_loop->next();

// Reset cursor

Loop operations

Each item

$post_loop->each(function($id) {

  // $this is the loop instance

  $item = $this->get_current();
  $value = $this->get_field('field_name');

Map items into an array

$results = $post_loop->map(function($id) {
  return [
    'id' => $id,
    'title' => $this->get_field('title')

Reduce items to a single value, such as an associative array

$init_state = [
  'ids' => []
  'count' => 0

$final_state = $post_loop->reduce(function($state, $id) {
  $state['ids'] []= $id;
  return $state;
}, $init_state);// Pass initital state (optional, defaut is empty array)