All Orders Loop Fillter:

Order #278

-access expiration date: 2021-11-06
-status: llms-on-hold
-status name: On Hold
-plan title: The Greatest deal
-product title: LifterLMS Assignment System Masterclass
-product link:
-access status: inactive
-customer name: Steven Mills
-coupon amount: 0
-coupon amount trial:
-coupon amount regular: 0
-coupon value trial: $0.00
-gateway: manual
-gateway_title: Manual
-initial price: $0.00
-last transaction date: 2020-11-05 14:41:05
-next payment date: 2020-11-12 14:41:05
-start date: 2020-11-05 14:41:05
-view link:
-has coupon:
-has discount: TRUE
-has sale: TRUE
-has scheduled payment: TRUE
-is recurring: TRUE
-billing frequency: 1
-billing period: month
-billing cycle:
-has trial: TRUE
-has trial ended: TRUE
-trial end date: 2020-11-12 14:41:05
-trial original total: 0
-trial total: $0.00
-trial length: 1
-trial period: week
-original total: $10.00
-sale price: $50.00
-total: $50.00

-id: 279
-status: llms-txn-succeeded
-status name: Succeeded
-date: November 5, 2020 2:41 pm
-refund amount: 0
-amount: $0.00
-net amount: $0.00
-gateway source description: Free
-pages: 1

Billing address data:
-billing address 1: qwerty
-billing address 2:
-billing city: so
-billing country: US
-billing email: [email protected]
-billing phone:
-billing first name: Steven
-billing last name: Mills
-billing state: texas
-billing zip: 2345

Order #281

-access expiration date: Lifetime Access
-status: llms-pending
-status name: Pending Payment
-plan title: Buy course
-product title: LifterLMS Quiz System Masterclass
-product link:
-access status: inactive
-customer name: Steven Mills
-coupon amount: 0
-coupon amount trial:
-coupon amount regular: 0
-coupon value trial: $0.00
-gateway: manual
-gateway_title: Manual
-initial price: $100.00
-last transaction date:
-next payment date: Order is not recurring
-start date: 2020-11-05 14:43:25
-view link:
-has coupon:
-has discount: TRUE
-has sale: TRUE
-has scheduled payment:
-is recurring:
-billing frequency: 0
-billing period:
-billing cycle:
-has trial:
-has trial ended: TRUE
-trial end date:
-trial original total: 0
-trial total: $0.00
-trial length: 0
-trial period:
-original total: $200.00
-sale price: $100.00
-total: $100.00


Billing address data:
-billing address 1: qwerty
-billing address 2:
-billing city: so
-billing country: US
-billing email: [email protected]
-billing phone:
-billing first name: Steven
-billing last name: Mills
-billing state: texas
-billing zip: 2345

Order #298

-access expiration date: Lifetime Access
-status: llms-completed
-status name: Completed
-plan title: Start Today!
-product title: The Official Quickstart Course for LifterLMS
-product link:
-access status: active
-customer name: Steven Mills
-coupon amount: 0
-coupon amount trial:
-coupon amount regular: 0
-coupon value trial: $0.00
-gateway: manual
-gateway_title: Manual
-initial price: $0.00
-last transaction date:
-next payment date: Order is not recurring
-start date: 2020-11-12 15:41:00
-view link:
-has coupon:
-has discount:
-has sale:
-has scheduled payment:
-is recurring:
-billing frequency: 0
-billing period:
-billing cycle:
-has trial:
-has trial ended: TRUE
-trial end date:
-trial original total: 0
-trial total: $0.00
-trial length: 0
-trial period:
-original total: $0.00
-sale price: $0.00
-total: $0.00


Billing address data:
-billing address 1: qwerty
-billing address 2:
-billing city: so
-billing country: US
-billing email: [email protected]
-billing phone:
-billing first name: Steven
-billing last name: Mills
-billing state: texas
-billing zip: 2345

Order #284

-access expiration date: Lifetime Access
-status: llms-completed
-status name: Completed
-plan title: Start Today!
-product title: The Official Quickstart Course for LifterLMS
-product link:
-access status: active
-customer name: Team Tangible
-coupon amount: 0
-coupon amount trial:
-coupon amount regular: 0
-coupon value trial: $0.00
-gateway: manual
-gateway_title: Manual
-initial price: $0.00
-last transaction date:
-next payment date: Order is not recurring
-start date: 2020-11-09 08:29:28
-view link:
-has coupon:
-has discount:
-has sale:
-has scheduled payment:
-is recurring:
-billing frequency: 0
-billing period:
-billing cycle:
-has trial:
-has trial ended: TRUE
-trial end date:
-trial original total: 0
-trial total: $0.00
-trial length: 0
-trial period:
-original total: $0.00
-sale price: $0.00
-total: $0.00


Billing address data:
-billing address 1: qqq
-billing address 2:
-billing city: qqqq
-billing country: US
-billing email: [email protected]
-billing phone:
-billing first name: Team
-billing last name: Tangible
-billing state: qqq
-billing zip: 444

Markup: all orders:

  <Loop type=lifter_order>
    <h4>Order #<Field id /></h4>
    -access expiration date: <Field access_expiration_date /><br />
    -status: <Field status /><br />
    -status name: <Field status_name /><br />
    -plan title: <Field plan_title /><br />
    -product title: <Field product_title /><br />
    -product link: <Field product_link /><br />
    -access status: <Field access_status /><br />
    -customer name: <Field customer_name /><br />
    -coupon amount: <Field coupon_amount /><br />
    -coupon amount trial: <Field coupon_amount_trial /><br />
    -coupon amount regular: <Field coupon_amount_regular /><br />
    -coupon value trial: <Field coupon_value_trial /><br />
    -gateway: <Field gateway /><br />
    -gateway_title: <Field gateway_title /><br />
    -initial price: <Field initial_price/><br />
    -last transaction date: <Field last_transaction_date /><br />
    -next payment date: <Field next_payment_date /><br />
    -start date: <Field start_date /><br />
    -view link: <Field view_link /><br />
    -has coupon: <Field has_coupon /><br />
    -has discount: <Field has_discount /><br />
    -has sale: <Field has_sale /><br />
    -has scheduled payment: <Field has_scheduled_payment /><br />
    -is recurring: <Field is_recurring /><br />
    -billing frequency: <Field billing_frequency /><br />
    -billing period: <Field billing_period /><br />
    -billing cycle: <Field billing_cycle /><br />
    -has trial: <Field has_trial /><br />
    -has trial ended: <Field has_trial_ended /><br />
    -trial end date: <Field trial_end_date /><br />
    -trial original total: <Field trial_original_total /><br />
    -trial total: <Field trial_total /><br />
    -trial length: <Field trial_length /><br />
    -trial period: <Field trial_period /><br />
    -original total: <Field original_total/><br />
    -sale price: <Field sale_price/><br />
    -total: <Field total/><br /><br />
    Transactions:<br />
    <Loop field=transactions >
      -id: <Field id /><br />
      -status: <Field status /><br />
      -status name: <Field status_name /><br />
      -date: <Field date /><br />
      -refund amount: <Field refund_amount /><br />
      -amount: <Field amount /><br />
      -net amount: <Field net_amount /><br />
      -gateway source description: <Field gateway_source_description /><br />
      -pages: <Field pages /><br /><br />
    <br />
    Billing address data:<br />
    -billing address 1: <Field billing_address_1 /><br />
    -billing address 2: <Field billing_address_2 /><br />
    -billing city: <Field billing_city /><br />
    -billing country: <Field billing_country /><br />
    -billing email: <Field billing_email /><br />
    -billing phone: <Field billing_phone /><br />
    -billing first name: <Field billing_first_name /><br />
    -billing last name: <Field billing_last_name /><br />
    -billing state: <Field billing_state /><br />
    -billing zip: <Field billing_zip /><br />
    <br /><br />

Pending Orders Loop Fillter:

Order #281

Markup: pending orders loop:

  <Loop type=lifter_order status="llms-pending">
    <h4>Order #<Field id /></h4>
    <br /><br />

Orders Product Loop Fillter:

Order #281

Markup: orders for a product loop:

  <Loop type=lifter_order product="188">
    <h4>Order #<Field id /></h4>
    <br /><br />

Orders for current user:

Order #278

Order #281

Order #298

Order #284

Markup: orders for current user:

  <Loop type=lifter_order user="current">
    <h4><Order #<Field id /></h4>
    <br /><br />