Coupon Loop:

All coupons:

-ID: 275
-Code: Dollar-20
-Expiration time: Sunday 28 February 2021
-Discount type: $ Discount
-Amount: $20.00
-Usage limit: 7
-Remaining uses: 7
-Uses: 0
Courses loop:
-Course title: The Official Quickstart Course for LifterLMS
Memberships loop:
-Membership title: Extended
-Membership title: Basic

-ID: 274
-Code: Percentage-10
-Expiration time: Saturday 9 January 2021
-Discount type: Percentage Discount
-Amount: 10%
-Usage limit: 5
-Remaining uses: 5
-Uses: 0
Courses loop:
-Course title: LifterLMS Assignment System Masterclass
-Course title: The Official Quickstart Course for LifterLMS
Memberships loop:
-Membership title: Premium

Markup: Coupon loop:

  <Loop type="lifter_coupon">
    -ID:<strong> <Field id /></strong><br />
    -Code:<strong> <Field title /></strong><br />
    -Expiration time: <Format date="l j F Y"><Field expiration_time/></Format><br />
    -Discount type: <Field formatted_discount_type/><br />
    -Amount: <Field formatted_amount/><br />
    -Usage limit: <Field usage_limit/><br />
    -Remaining uses: <Field remaining_uses/><br />
    -Uses: <Field uses/><br />
    Courses loop: <br />
    <Loop field=courses >
      -Course title: <strong> <Field title /></strong><br />
    Memberships loop: <br />
    <Loop field=memberships >
      -Membership title: <strong> <Field title /></strong><br />
    <br />