Topic Overview:

How to Argue - Philosophical Reasoning

Before we dive into the big questions of philosophy, you need to know how to argue properly. We’ll start with an overview of philosophical reasoning and breakdown of how deductive arguments work (and sometimes don’t work).

Markup: title, image, content fields:

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Topic Content Table:


Markup: 'topic_content_table' fields:

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Topic Step number in Course - WITHOUT Quizzes counted:

- Topic is Course's step number: 5

Markup: topic_step_number_course field:

  <h4>Step number:</h4>
  - Topic is Course's step number: <Field topic_step_number_course />

Topic Step number in Course - WITH Quizzes counted:

- Topic is Course's step number: 6

Markup: topic_step_number_course_q field:

  <h4>Step number:</h4>
  - Topic is Course's step number: <Field topic_step_number_course_q />

Topic Step number in parent Lesson - WITHOUT Quizzes counted:

- Topic is Lesson's step number: 1

Markup: topic_step_number_lesson field:

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Topic Step number in parent Lesson - WITH Quizzes counted:

- Topic is Lesson's step number: 1

Markup: topic_step_number_lesson_q field:

  <h4>Step number:</h4>
  - Topic is Lesson's step number: <Field topic_step_number_lesson_q />

Topic Progress:

Progress Status: locked
Progress Percent: 0%
Completed: 0 of 2 steps.

Markup: 'topic_progress_percent', 'topic_progress_completed', 'topic_progress_total' fields:

  <strong>Progress Status:</strong> <Field topic_progress_status /> <br/>
  <strong>Progress Percent:</strong> <Field topic_progress_percent />% <br/>
  <strong>Completed:</strong> <Field topic_progress_completed /> of <Field topic_progress_total /> steps.

Topic Quizzes List

Markup: 'topic_quizzes' fields:

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      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>


-Next step id: 17382
Topic quiz

Markup: 'topic_next_step', 'topic_next_step_url', 'topic_next_step_title' fields:

  -Next step id: <Field topic_next_step_id /><br/>
  <Field topic_next_step /> <a href="{Field topic_next_step_url }"><Field topic_next_step_title /></a>


-Has next topic: TRUE
-Next topic id: 907
-Next topic title: How to Argue – Induction & Abduction
-Next topic url:
-Next topic link:

Markup: 'next_topic' fields:

  -Has next topic: <Field has_next_topic /><br/>
  -Next topic id: <Field next_topic_id /><br/>
  -Next topic title: <Field next_topic_title /><br/>
  -Next topic url: <Field next_topic_url /><br/>
  -Next topic link: <Field next_topic_link /><br/>


-Previous step id: 903
What is Philosophy?

Markup: 'topic_previous_step', 'topic_previous_step_url', 'topic_previous_step_title' fields:

  -Previous step id: <Field topic_previous_step_id /><br/>
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Previous TOPIC

-Has previous topic:
-Previous topic id:
-Previous topic title:
-Previous topic url:
-Previous topic link:

Markup: 'previous_topic' fields:

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  -Previous topic url: <Field previous_topic_url /><br/>
  -Previous topic link: <Field previous_topic_link /><br/>

Topic Parents:

-Parent Course URL:
-Parent Course Title: Philosophy
-Parent Course Id: 900

-Parent Lesson URL:
-Parent Lesson Title: What is Philosophy?
-Parent Lesson Id: 903

Markup: topic parents fields:

  <h4>Topic Parents:</h4>
  -Parent Course URL: <Field name="parent_course_url" /><br/>
  -Parent Course Title: <Field name="parent_course_title" /><br/>
  -Parent Course Id: <Field name="parent_course_id" /><br/><br/>

  -Parent Lesson URL: <Field name="parent_lesson_url" /><br/>
  -Parent Lesson Title: <Field name="parent_lesson_title" /><br/>
  -Parent Lesson Id: <Field name="parent_lesson_id" /><br/><br/>

Back to Course

Back to Course: Philosophy

Markup: 'topic_parent_course_title', 'topic_parent_course_url' fields:

  Back to Course: <a href="{Field topic_parent_course_url}"><Field topic_parent_course_title /></a>

Back to Lesson

Back to Lesson: What is Philosophy?

Markup: 'topic_parent_lesson_title', 'topic_parent_lesson_url' fields:

  Back to Course: <a href="{Field topic_parent_lesson_url}"><Field topic_parent_lesson_title /></a>

Topic materials

Markup: 'topic_materials' fields:

  <Field topic_materials />

Topic Assignments

Assignments enabled: Yes
Upload file extensions limit: ["pdf","xlsx","zip"]
Upload file size limit: 1.5M
Enabled points amount: 5
Grading Type : Manually grade
  • Upload limit count: Max. 3 file(s) allowed
  • Deletion enabled: Yes

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All topic assignments

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Current user topic assignments

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Upload Assignment

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