Added - lesson field 'number_no_children'

Lesson Overview:


The Nature of Reality - Advanced

We can gain insight from the most philosophical of figures. In this lesson, we’re talking about the process of philosophical discovery and questioning the relationship between appearance and reality by taking a look at Plato’s famous Myth of the Cave.

Markup: title, image, content fields:

  <h4><Field title /></h4>
  <If field="image" exists>
    <div><Field image /></div>
  <div><Field content /></div>

Lesson Step number - only lesson relative to the course:

- Lesson number relative to Course: 3

Markup: 'lesson_number_no_children' field:

  <h4>Lesson Step number - only lesson relative to the course:</h4>
  - Lesson number relative to Course: <Field number_no_children />

Lesson Step number - WITHOUT Quizzes counted:

- Lesson is Course's step number: 7

Markup: lesson_step_number field:

  <h4>Step number:</h4>
  - Lesson is Course's step number: <Field lesson_step_number />

Lesson Step number - WITH Quizzes counted:

- Lesson is Course's step number: 11

Markup: lesson_step_number_q field:

  <h4>Step number:</h4>
  - Lesson is Course's step number: <Field lesson_step_number_q />

Lesson Content Table:

Expand all / Collapse all

Markup: 'lesson_content_table' fields:

  <Field lesson_content_table />

Lesson Progress - no Quizzes counted as steps:

Progress Status: locked
Progress Percent: 0%
Completed: 0 of 1 steps.

Markup: 'lesson_progress_percent', 'lesson_progress_completed', 'lesson_progress_total' fields:

  <strong>Progress Status:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_status /> <br/>
  <strong>Progress Percent:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_percent />% <br/>
  <strong>Completed:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_completed /> of <Field lesson_progress_total /> steps.

Lesson Progress - Quizzes counted as steps:

Progress Status:
Progress Percent: 0%
Completed: 0 of 1 steps.

Markup: 'lesson_progress_percent_q', 'lesson_progress_completed_q', 'lesson_progress_total_q' fields:

  <strong>Progress Status:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_status_q /> <br/>
  <strong>Progress Percent:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_percent_q />% <br/>
  <strong>Completed:</strong> <Field lesson_progress_completed_q /> of <Field lesson_progress_total_q /> steps.

Lesson Topics List

Markup: 'lesson_topics' fields:

    <Loop field=lesson_topics>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
      <If field="topic_quizzes" >
        Topic Quizzes:
          <Loop field=topic_quizzes>
            <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

All Lesson Quizzes List

Markup: 'lesson_quizzes_all' fields:

    <Loop field=lesson_quizzes_all>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

Lesson Specific Quizzes List - by Quiz loop and arguments

Markup: 'learndash_quiz' fields with 'all_quizzes=false' and 'lesson=current' arguments:

  <Loop type=learndash_quiz orderby=menu all_quizzes=false lesson=current>
    <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

Lesson Specific Quizzes List

Markup: 'lesson_quizzes' fields:

    <Loop field=lesson_quizzes>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>


-Next step id: 17485
Test topic

Markup: 'lesson_next_step', 'lesson_next_step_url', 'lesson_next_step_title' fields:

  -Next step id: <Field lesson_next_step_id /><br/>
  <Field lesson_next_step /> <a href="{Field lesson_next_step_url }"><Field lesson_next_step_title /></a>


-Has next lesson:
-Next lesson id:
-Next lesson title:
-Next lesson url:
-Next lesson link:

Markup: 'next_lesson' fields:

  -Has next lesson: <Field has_next_lesson /><br/>
  -Next lesson id: <Field next_lesson_id /><br/>
  -Next lesson title: <Field next_lesson_title /><br/>
  -Next lesson url: <Field next_lesson_url /><br/>
  -Next lesson link: <Field next_lesson_link /><br/>


-Previous step id: 17380
Lesson quiz

Markup: 'lesson_previous_step', 'lesson_previous_step_url', 'lesson_previous_step_title' fields:

  -Previous step id: <Field lesson_previous_step_id /><br/>
  <Field lesson_previous_step /> <a href="{Field lesson_previous_step_url }"><Field lesson_previous_step_title /></a>

Previous LESSON

-Has previous lesson: TRUE
-Previous lesson id: 903
-Previous lesson title: What is Philosophy?
-Previous lesson url:
-Previous lesson link:

Markup: 'previous_lesson' fields:

  -Has previous lesson: <Field has_previous_lesson /><br/>
  -Previous lesson id: <Field previous_lesson_id /><br/>
  -Previous lesson title: <Field previous_lesson_title /><br/>
  -Previous lesson url: <Field previous_lesson_url /><br/>
  -Previous lesson link: <Field previous_lesson_link /><br/>

Lesson Parents:

-Parent Course URL:
-Parent Course Title: Philosophy
-Parent Course Id: 900

Markup: lesson parents fields:

  <h4>Lesson Parents:</h4>
  -Parent Course URL: <Field name="parent_course_url" /><br/>
  -Parent Course Title: <Field name="parent_course_title" /><br/>
  -Parent Course Id: <Field name="parent_course_id" /><br/><br/>

Back to Course

Back to Course: Philosophy

Markup: 'lesson_parent_course', 'lesson_parent_course_url' fields:

  Back to Course: <a href="{Field lesson_parent_course_url}"><Field lesson_parent_course_title /></a>

Lesson materials

Markup: 'lesson_materials' fields:

  <Field lesson_materials />

Lesson Assignments

Assignments enabled: No
No upload file extensions limit.
Upload file size limit: 20M
No assignment enabled points.
Grading Type : Manually grade
  • Upload limit count: Max. 1 file(s) allowed
  • Deletion enabled: No

Markup: 'lesson_assignments_enabled', 'lesson_assignments_extensions', 'lesson_assignments_size', 'lesson_assignments_points', 'lesson_assignments_points_amount', 'lesson_assignments_auto_approve', 'lesson_assignments_upload', 'lesson_assignments_deletion' fields:

  Assignments enabled:
  <If field="lesson_assignments_enabled">
  <Else />
  <If field="lesson_assignments_extensions">
    Upload file extensions limit: <Field lesson_assignments_extensions />
  <Else />
    No upload file extensions limit.
  Upload file size limit: <Field lesson_assignments_size />
  <If field="lesson_assignments_points">
    Enabled points amount: <Field lesson_assignments_points_amount />
  <Else />
    No assignment enabled points.
  <If field="lesson_assignments_auto_approve">
    Grading Type : Auto-approve
  <Else />
    Grading Type : Manually grade
        Upload limit count: Max. <Field lesson_assignments_upload /> file(s) allowed
        Deletion enabled:
        <If field="lesson_assignments_deletion">
        <Else />

All lesson assignments

Markup: 'lesson_assignments' fields:

    <Loop field=lesson_assignments>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

Current user lesson assignments

Markup: 'lesson_user_assignments', 'assignment_comments_status', 'assignment_comments_number', 'assignment_status', 'assignment_points_enabled', 'assignment_points_max', 'assignment_points_awarded', 'assignment_points_percentage', 'assignment_deletion_enabled', 'assignment_delete_url' fields:

    <Loop field=lesson_user_assignments>
        <a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a>
          Comments status:
          <If field="assignment_comments_status">
            <a href="{Field url }#comments">Open -> </a>
          <br />
          Comments number: <Field assignment_comments_number />
          <If field="assignment_status">
              <If field="assignment_points_enabled">
                Maximum Points: <Field assignment_points_max /> <br />
                Points Awarded: <Field assignment_points_awarded /> <br />
                Awarded percentage: <Field assignment_points_percentage />% <br />
            Waiting Review
          <If field="assignment_status">
            Cannot delete - approved
            <If field="assignment_deletion_enabled" >
              <a href="{Field assignment_delete_url}" > X Delete</a>

Upload Assignment

Assignment upload not enabled.

Markup: 'lesson_assignments_form' field:

  <If field="lesson_assignments_enabled">
    <Field lesson_assignments_form />
    Assignment upload not enabled.

Sample Lesson

This is not a Sample Lesson

Markup: 'lesson_is_sample' fields:

  <If field="lesson_is_sample">
    This is a Sample Lesson
    This is not a Sample Lesson

Lesson Drip

Lesson Drip is not enabled

Markup: 'lesson_drip_enabled', 'lesson_drip_date', 'lesson_drip_date_future', 'lesson_drip_date_past' fields:

  <If field="lesson_drip_enabled">
    Lesson Drip is enabled:<br />
    Lesson available on: <Field lesson_drip_date /> <br />
    Lesson available on: <Field lesson_drip_date date_format="m/d/Y" /> - (another presentation - "date_format" attribute) <br />
    <If field="lesson_drip_date_future">
      Drip date is in the future (after today)
    <Else if field="lesson_drip_date_past"/>
      Drip date is in the past (before and including today)
    Lesson Drip is not enabled