Course Overview:


Hank- begins to teach you about Philosophy by discussing the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. He will also introduce logic, and how you’re going to use it to understand and critically evaluate a whole host of different world views throughout this course. And also, hopefully, the rest of your life.


Markup: title, image, content fields:

  <h4><Field title /></h4>
  <If field="image" exists>
    <div><Field image /></div>
  <div><Field content /></div>

Latest user activity

-Status: started
-Started timestamp: 1601563451
-Started date: 2020-10-01 14:44:11
-Activity id: 63
-Course ID: 900
-Activity type: lesson
-lesson ID: 903

Resume: What is Philosophy?


  <Loop type="learndash_user_activity" curse_id="current" user_id="8" activity_status="started" orderby="activity_started" order="desc" limit="1">
    -<strong>Status: </strong><Field status/><br/>
    -Started timestamp: <Field started/><br/>
    -<strong>Started date</strong>: <Field started_date/><br/>
    -Activity id: <Field activity_id /><br/>
    -Course ID: <Field course_id/><br/>
    -Activity type: <strong><Field activity_type /></strong><br/>
    -<Field activity_type /> ID: <Field id/><br/>
    <Loop type="learndash_{Field activity_type}" id="{Field id}" >
      Resume: <a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a><br/>

Course's Sections, Lessons, Quizzes, Total Number of Lessons

Lessons Total: 3

Markup: 'course_lessons', 'course_lessons_number', sections fields:

  <h4>Course's Sections, Lessons, Quizzes, Total Number of Lessons</h4>
    <Loop type=learndash_lesson course="{Field id}" orderby="id" order="asc">
      <If field="has_section" is value="true">
        <h4><Field section_title /></h4>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
    <Loop field=course_quizzes>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
  Lessons Total: <Field course_lessons_number />

Course Prerequisite:

There are no prerequisites required for this course.

Markup: 'course_prerequisite' field :

  <If field="course_prerequisite" exists>
      <Loop field=course_prerequisite >
        <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
    There are no prerequisites required for this course.

Course Materials:

Markup: 'course_materials' field :

  <Field course_materials />

Course Certificate:

You must finish the Course to get the Cetificate

Markup: 'course_certificate_link', 'course_certificate_url' fields :

  <If field="course_certificate_link" exists>
    Certificate link:  <Field course_certificate_link /><br />
    Certificate URL:  <Field course_certificate_url />
    <p>You must finish the Course to get the Cetificate</p>

Course Content Table:

Markup: 'course_content_table' field :

    <Field course_content_table />

Course Content Table LearnDash Template:

Markup: 'course_content_table_ld' field (LearnDash shortcode wrapper) :

    <Field course_content_table_ld />

Next Step:

-Next step id: 911
Next step: The Nature of Reality

Markup: 'course_next_step_url', 'course_next_step_title' fields:

  -Next step id: <Field course_next_step_id /><br/>
  <strong>Next step:</strong> <a href="{Field course_next_step_url}"><Field course_next_step_title />

Progress Percent:

Progress Percent: 0%

Markup: 'course_progress_percent' field:

  <strong>Progress Percent:</strong> <Field course_progress_percent />%

Course Progress:

Markup: 'course_progress' field (LearnDash shortcode wrapper):

  <Field course_progress />

Course status, Last Activity:

Last activity on : 0/9

Markup: 'course_last_activity', 'course_status' fields:

  <If field="course_status" is value="open">
    <Field course_last_activity /> Steps - Not Started
  <Else />
    Last activity on : <Field course_last_activity />

Course Info

Progress: Completed 0 out of 9 steps
Since: 0
Course does not have expiration date.

Markup: 'course_status_label', 'course_steps_completed', 'course_steps_total', 'course_since', 'course_access_expires' fields:

  Status: <Field course_status_label /><br/>
  Progress: Completed <Field course_steps_completed /> out of <Field course_steps_total /> steps<br/>
  Since: <Field course_since /> <br/>
  <If field="course_access_expires" exists>
    Expires: <Field course_access_expires />
    <Else />
    Course does not have expiration date.

Course Points Access:

No points required to access this course

Markup: 'course_points_access' field:

  <If field="course_points_access" more_than value="0">
    <Field course_points_access /> points required to access this Course
  <Else />
    No points required to access this course

Course Points:

5 points will be awarded for completing this course.

Markup: 'course_points' field:

  <If field="course_points" more_than value="0">
    <Field course_points /> points will be awarded for completing this course.
  <Else />
    No points will be awarded for completing this course.

Course Access Expires On:

Course does not have expiration date.

Markup: 'course_access_expires' field:

  <If field="course_access_expires" exists>
    Course expires on <Field course_access_expires />
  <Else />
    Course does not have expiration date.

Course Price Fields:

Price type label: Closed
Price type: closed
Price: USD 50
Price URL:

Markup: 'course_price_type_label', 'course_price_type' 'course_price_currency', 'course_price', 'course_price_url' fields:

  <div><strong>Price type label:</strong> <Field course_price_type_label /></div>
  <div><strong>Price type:</strong> <Field course_price_type /></div>
  <If field="course_price" exists>
    <div><strong>Price:</strong> <Field course_price_currency /> <Field course_price /> </div>
  <If field="course_price_url" exists>
    <div><strong>Price URL:</strong> <Field course_price_url /> </div>

Course Lessons filtered and grouped by 'video_exists' argument

Markup: 'video_exists' loop filter:

  <If loop exists type=learndash_lesson course="current" video_exists="true">
    Lessons with Video:
    <Loop type=learndash_lesson course="current" orderby=menu order=asc  video_exists="true">
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
  <If loop exists type=learndash_lesson course="current" video_exists="false" />
  Lessons without Video:
  <Loop type=learndash_lesson course="current" orderby=menu order=asc  video_exists="false">
    <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

Course Topics List, Topics Number

Topics Total: 5

Markup: 'course_topics', 'course_topics_number' fields:

    <Loop field=course_topics>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
      <If field="topic_quizzes" >
        Topic Quizzes:
          <Loop field=topic_quizzes>
            <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
  Topics Total: <Field course_topics_number />

Course Quizzes List, Quizzes Number

Quizzes Total: 6

Markup: 'course_quizzes_all', 'course_quizzes_number' fields:

    <Loop field=course_quizzes_all>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>
  Quizzes Total: <Field course_quizzes_number />

Final Course Quizzes List

Markup: 'course_quizzes' field:

    <Loop field=course_quizzes>
      <li><a href="{Field url }"><Field title /></a></li>

Students Number

Students Total: 2

Markup: 'course_students_number' field:

  <strong>Students Total</strong>: <Field course_students_number />

Current User Activity:

Markup: 'learndash_user_activity' loop:

  <Loop learndash_user_activity>
    Activity type: <Field activity_type /><br />
    Titls: <Field title /><br />
    URL : <Field url /><br />
    Post loop type: <Field type /><br />
    Status: <Field status/><br />
    Steps completed: <Field steps_completed/><br />
    Total steps: <Field steps_total/><br />
    Activity started: <Field started/><br />
    Activity completed: <Field completed/><br />
    <If field="activity_type" is value="quiz">
      Duration in seconds (quiz only): <Field duration/><br />
      Duration in minutes (quiz only): <Field duration_in_minutes /><br />
    Post loop:<br />
    <Loop field="post">
      Post: <a href="{Field url}"><strong><Field title /></a></strong><br />