GF Entry Fields loop

For loop type gravity_form_entry_fields, here are the available query arguments and fields.

Query arguments

  • entry_id - Entry ID the field belongs to".

    Type: string

  • field_id - Field ID(s) - returns specified fields for the entry

    Type: string, array


Some Gravity Forms Entry Field values are sub loops of list type and have specific Loop keys.

Gravity Forms fields:

  • Standard fields
    value of "multiselect", "checkbox", "radio", "select" field types is a loop with keys:
    - text
    - value
  • Advanced fields
    value of "consent" field type is a loop with keys:
    - text
    - description
    value of "name" field type is a loop with keys:
    - prefix
    - first
    - middle
    - last
    - suffix
    value of "address" field type is a loop with keys:
    - street
    - street2
    - city
    - state
    - zip
    - country
  • Post fields
    value of "post_image" field type is a loop with keys:
    - url
    - title
    - caption
    - description
    value of "post_category" field type is a loop with keys:
    - name
    - id
    value of "post_tags" field type is a loop with keys:
    - name
  • Pricing fields
    value of "product", "shipping", "option" fields type is a loop with keys:
    - name
    - price

Gravity Forms AddOn Fields:

  • Survey fields:
    value of "survey" field type - input type "likert" is a loop with keys:
    - row
    - choice
    - score
    value of "survey" field type - input type "rating" is a loop with keys:
    - value
    value of "survey" field type - input types "checkbox", "radio", "select" is a loop with keys:
    - text
    - value
  • Quiz fields:
    value of "quiz" field type - input types "checkbox", "radio", "select" is a loop with keys:
    - text
    - value
    - is_correct
    - weight
  • Poll fields:
    value of "survey" field type - input types "checkbox", "radio", "select" is a loop with keys:
    - text
    - value
    - result key is subloop, with keys:
    -- label
    -- total_entries
    -- ratio

- Poll field example:
<If field="type" is value="poll" >
  <Loop field=value >
    * Text:<Field text/><br/>
    * Value:<Field value/><br/><br/>
    ** Results:<br/>
    <Loop field=results>
      -<strong>Label: <Field label/></strong><br/>
      -Total Entries: <Field total_entries/><br/>
      -Percentage: <Field ratio/><br/>
For more details please see Examples

  • id - Entry Field ID
  • input_type - Entry Field Input Type - some field types have various input types
  • is_addon - Is Entry Field of GF AddOn
  • is_loop - Is Entry Field Value a loop
  • label - Entry Field Label
  • type - Entry Field Type
  • value - Entry Field Value (for some field types it is a loop with keys)
  • value_html - Entry Field Value - HTML presentation